Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bubbles / crackles

I went down to Rakaia on Friday night to join Bex for a girly DVD evening. She'd asked me to bring some nibbles to share, so I turned to my trusty Edmonds book for ideas. I'm running a bit short on suitable recipes for this sort of thing, but eventually I landed on chocolate bubble cakes (p46)

If you don't recognise the name, I've always known them as chocolate crackles - the rice-bubble and Kremelta-based mainstay of childhood birthday parties.

Melting the Kremelta and mixing in cocoa, rice bubbles and coconut only takes a few minutes. From there, all you have to do is spoon the bubble mixture into paper cases. I decided to do mine bite-sized, since a full-sized one might be a bit too sickly for an adult palate. This meant the standard recipe made several dozen crunchy little choc-crackle bites. 

It was surprising how much we all enjoyed something I'd thought of as a kiddie's treat. The six of us did the best we could to demolish them during our movie night, but I still returned home with the bowl about half-full. I guess I'll see if the workmates will clean up the remainder for me tomorrow.


  1. they were just perfect thank you very much

  2. Funny how kids stuff comes back and we usually enjoy them just as much.c


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